Vagabond's Haven

Primal - Behemoth - LB - Ward 24 - Lily Hills Subdivision - Apartment 55
Wednesdays (8PM to 12 PM EST)

Vagabond’s Haven is a little venue that hopes to promote and teach safe for-work RP through conversation with friends or other venue attendees. All set in an overly casual cafe with an owner who loves to share and hear stories.

About Vagabond's

The owner, H’eretal, has always loved hearing and telling what stories people had to bring to the table. He loves to hear what stories people give great importance to and from that, learn more about the world. With storytellers, he wishes to let more people express themselves and explore their own stories.

"Vagabond's is a venue that I hope will spark interest in creating stories for your own character and interacting with other equally-minded people to create a more lived-in world.To do so there will be storytellers, lessons, and excursions into the wild.The cafe is a substitute for a bar. The best way to let people feel at ease is with food, drink, and an accommodating place to talk. That’s why the cafe works as the stage in which everyone can create and share their own stories."

- H'eretal Eterenal
Owner of Vagabond's